Annual CBI West Coast Compliance Congress- Guest Speaker -2015 -Utilize Data to Inform Risk-Based Auditing and Monitoring Practices

CBI’s Sixth Annual West Coast Compliance Congress will take place November 5-6, 2015 at the Hyatt Fisherman’s Wharf in San Francisco, California.

This year’s West Coast Compliance Congress is in a new format that allows attendees to customize their experience and learning opportunities, depending on their field and interests. This year’s Compliance Congress boasts over forty speakers representing small, mid-size, and large bio/pharma and device manufacturers.

On Thursday, November 5, 2015, the day begins with an opening address followed by a compliance officer panel and an enforcement panel. Doug Brown of the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) will also give an address from his agency, likely covering Open Payments. Following the lunch break, there are several breakout sessions with different track options, including: compliance program structure and effectiveness; promotional compliance; and HCP contracting and communications. The day ends with a wine and cheese networking reception.

On Friday, November 6, 2015, the morning gets off to a start with a physician keynote by Dr. Maya A. Babu, who will discuss Open Payments reporting from a healthcare provider perspective. The day will then again split off into breakout sessions, including topics such as: auditing, monitoring, and investigations; global anti-bribery and international compliance; and global transparency reporting and tracking HCP payments.

If you’re interested in attending this year’s West Coast Compliance Congress, you can register here.

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